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Some Salad!


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This is a plant that we were called on to identify this summer. It was finally pinned done by a weed specialist from Penn State as Lactuca biennsis or tall blue lettuce. Oddly enough I have a smaller version of wild lettuce growing in my herb garden but this thing just left me with my mouth hanging open. It is in the herb garden because it volunteered and the milky sap was used as a sleep aid by herbalists. (Mine that is.)

Here is a the last paragraph of the article from the Down to Earth Garden Club newsletter and a picture of the plant.


"This plant is a native plant that inhabits moist thickets. It is a member of the Aster family and exudes a milky sap from which comes its name Lactuca. The biennnis part refers to the fact that it is a biennial. While the pictures match and we would never doubt the word of a professor of weed science, there is one question remaining. How did a plant that is listed as attaining a maximum height of 6


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