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The true curse of the gardener........


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isn't bugs, critters or weather it is the bad back. I just crawled in from the heating pad. I was digging holes yesterday for a bunch of new plants that followed me home and there it went. I've got squash and raspberries to pick, weeds to pull and plants to put in and I can't straighten up. I'll sit here and write the newsletter but I can't sit long either.

Does every gardener ruin his back eventually or is it just the ones I know?

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I can play in the garden all day long...I just ice down at night, have a drink and the next day I'm raring to go again....

I feel bad for your back pain. As almost all the nerves and muscles run through the back, if you have a bad back, it's HORRIBLE!

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Never tried ice. Maybe that would work better.

Most pain from action of some kind, is an inflamation in the muscles and joints. Heat will feel good for a while but won't help solve the problem.

I find that icing my joints and back after a hot shower, makes me feel almost new.

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I ruined my knees years ago falling and bashing them three times, and then not dealing with it.  Now I'm going to pay the Piper in a few weeks at the knee doctor.  If there's an underlying problem, then get it fixed.


Otherwise, a good soak in a hot tub followed by a soak in cold water will help strained muscles relax.  I do this three times a week, evenings, at the Y, and other than being tired from swimming for an hour, everything seems to feel and work much better.


There's no dealing with the knees anymore......arghhh!  Now I do container gardening on my deck and hire the yard work done.  I point and he digs! :-)

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