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coffee grounds, best way to use?


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20 ways to reuse coffee grounds, tea leaves

It's unlikely that coffee or tea is growing in your garden, so after you finish that cup, put the grounds to work with these clever ideas.
Photo: eclectic echoes/Flickr
It takes a brave and hearty (and spartan) soul to give up coffee and tea in the name of food miles. Many do, but morning caffeine is the guilty pleasure that whispers in a voice too alluring for many to resist. One thing is for sure: it's generally a long journey for beans and leaves to travel from exotic climes to the kitchen counter
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Sure, go ahead and dump them on the garden. The amount you probably produce isn't going to affect the pH of the soil. Even if you don't compost it doesn't hurt to put your vegetable peelings and other organic material in the garden. Put some soil over it to keep flies off and for neatness. All things in moderation, of course. 

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The probably reason they may help improve blossom end rot is in holding moisture in the soil.  Blossom end rot occurs because there is too little moisture to dissolve calcium in the soil.  You can add a little calcium but the chief culprit is lack of water at critical times.  Mulch your tomatoes to help solve the problem.  Water deeply, maybe a trickle overnight, once a week.

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