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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2017 in all areas

  1. Petee

    Redneck DooBwa Chickens

    For the very first time, the little girls put themselves to bed in the coop for the night! I also got 4 eggs today from 4 hens. Things are looking up.
    1 point
  2. LFG

    Redneck DooBwa Chickens

    Yep, 3-4 weeks is definitely not the cutest phase in a chick's life. I kind of get stuck with them at this age, because I have a pretty good guess which ones are girls and boys, but not quite enough to guarantee them when I sell them. The girls sell for too much to let them go at chick prices, so I take my ad down and grow them out for a few more weeks until I can guarantee their sex. Those little cockerels will go through a lot of feed by then
    1 point
  3. Petee

    Redneck DooBwa Chickens

    Hah! They look like teenage buzzards, then you look into their sweet little eyes and they are so trusting. My Barred Rock has the eyes of a Madam!
    1 point
  4. LFG

    Redneck DooBwa Chickens

    These chicks are 4 months old now, so they will be fine eating layer feed. I would be switching mine over about now, but I have a few in there that are about a month younger. I'll send you a couple dozen next year from my prolific rooster, then you can feed a batch of these
    1 point
  5. Petee

    Redneck DooBwa Chickens

    We spent most of this afternoon and evening out working in the yard. The little girls finally got out into the new chicken yard where there's more grass, and every time I moved they followed me to that side so they could see me. What little sweeties! Your gift of eggs has turned out to be more fun than we imagined. I promise I am sending a box. When you eventually get it, you will understand why it's been delayed.
    1 point
  6. LFG

    Redneck DooBwa Chickens

    Oh, I have had bad experiences with chicks hatched in the pen. My cuckoo marans look at them like little mice, just attack them and kill them as soon as they scare the mama away from them. I won't let them brood any more. If your daughter just wants eggs, I always tell people that want girls only that hatcheries or feed stores are the way to go. I will sometimes have chicks last long enough to sex, but I can sell 8 week old black copper pullets for $20 each. The average chicken keeper will be just as happy with pet quality chicks for a lot less money. Those are friendly little birds, aren't they? These are my favorite flocks I've ever had
    1 point
  7. LFG

    Redneck DooBwa Chickens

    My broody black coppers started hatching out their babies this week. I've got 14 new ones since Wednesday. They are making great mothers, and the chicks are completely fine in the pen with the adult birds and rooster, no pecking or fighting. I've only seen that in silkies, so I'm thrilled
    1 point
  8. fedup

    Are you sure you want to?

    For awhile you had a panel come up that asked me if I was sure I wanted to mark all as read. I liked that cause my fingers don't always hit where their aiming. I end up marking a whole forum as "read"
    0 points
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