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Everything posted by Petee

  1. Rooms are hard to find around that area. Unless you stay right at the hotel near Longwood Gardens you may have to travel 10-15 miles. Take your own food too because the food there is expensive and not really good.
  2. I've heard of shaving a strong smelling soap and hanging it in panty hose too around the garden.
  3. I doubt you can do anything for them other than to use some Systemic Insecticide on them. Your Brugmansia is bug candy!
  4. I've spoken to a young man recently who is interested in starting community composting in DuBois, Sandy or a close locality. He's energetic, and if he can get through the local political circles, he should be very successful.
  5. Live about 3 miles from the Mall, so just give me a call as I am not gettin gto the computer as much. 814-371-3322
  6. I probably have an extra one if you let me know when you are coming to DuBois. I always take mine although I have a huge cement block compost bin and then I give it with the info to someone who couldn't make the meeting. It's about the size of a dryer drum when disassembled.
  7. Be sure to protect them from the sun for a few days so they don't get sunburned.
  8. Composted materials give structure back to the soil that fertilizer can't. Sometimes diseases occur because the soil may be fertile but the its composition may have changed. Nothing but compost puts it back. Some of the leaf damage could be bugs but some of it looks like disease or physical damage. You're such a wonderful gardener that I'm sure you give the soil a run for the money. A soil test may be in order. The soil in my garden is happily laying waste! I should talk! :-)
  9. Since you do a lot of gardening, is it in the same spot? Do you compost? Maybe the soil is wearing thin on the nutrients needed to keep the plants healthier?
  10. You can also go to a larger gardening place and pick up an instrument with a probe that you insert into the soil to test the PH of any location. I thinkmine was somewhere between $10 to $20 but you can use it forever.
  11. I would see if there was any direction in which you could dig a shallow ditch to drain it. Otherwise you may be able to fill the area with enough soil to allow the extra water to just run off. It doesn't sound like it's not draining, just not draining fast enough.
  12. They are very hardy around here so you may want to quickly order some seed if you cannot get the plants. You could spread them in an area and possibly get plants to transplantto other beds.
  13. Is there water laying in pools ever? Can't walk across it in July wet? Just damp after a rain wet? Moss?
  14. Apparentky various cancers develop in our bodies all the time but our immune systems keep them cleaned out. Once the immune system is compromised in some manner then it can get a start. Makes you want to maintain a good diet and environment huh!
  15. Well good grief! I thought I checked there. It didn't even come up in a search. Thank you!
  16. I can't find the topic where people listed where they got their mulch. Was it deleted or have I just not found it?
  17. As long as we don't get a late freeze they should be great this year. That pretty much determines what sort of a fruit crop we will have in this area.
  18. Luckily Pumpkins are easy to replant. Starting the seeds inside isn't really necessary, and even if you do, I wouldn't do it more than 3, maybe even 2 weeks ahead of time. They just get way too big to deal with. Unless you have ideal transplanting conditions, pumpkins started in the ground will catch up with anything you start ahead.
  19. If you are willing to cover then green tops in case of a frost then you can try them now. Otherwise you may want to wait till May 30.
  20. We've had fantastic harvests and then promises that petered out at the last minute. They're fun to try and if nothing else, they make a great shady place to hang out in on the hottest days of summer. We have a porch swing in ours. We have a 10 x 10 arbor that never gets pruned. Heck, they need it in the end days of winter. I don't even want to walk to the car then! :-)
  21. The BUDS Gardeners sale will be on the 3-4 and possibly the 5th Fridays and Saturdays of May. It will depend on how many plants we have left. It will be at the DuBois Medicine Shoppe as in previous years.
  22. One that large would take more digging than I could do and it would be better to wait till after it blooms in May or June. Then you could give it a good pruning and transplant it easier with more success.
  23. Can I get it in my van and will you be waiting to dig it out after it blooms?
  24. OK, I thought we had found a tater guru here!
  25. Those should be sterile but you may want to cover the surface of each one with some sand once the seeds sprout.
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