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Everything posted by Petee

  1. Nope, DuBois ties. It has to be a name that has nothing to do with either DuBois or Sandy. Something that everyone would love and embrace to call their own.
  2. That's pretty much what I said but sorry, the name has to go. It's an image thing that people are misled easily by. When DuBois has been so nasty in the past, I think it's time for them to man up and let the entire area become a new entity, name and ALL!
  3. She goes so far as to speculate that Republicans refuse to do anything about gun violence because mass- and school-shootings increase the fear of Americans, and Republicans live on fear the way vampires live on blood (my metaphor, not hers). Ignoring the very real “sexualizing” effect of pornography instantly available on the internet — it’s a multibillion-dollar industry that could be cordoned off with an “.xxx” domain that requires age verification to access — the GOP has blocked all efforts to keep explicit porn away from our children. Republicans instead want you to believe that drag queens, public school teachers, and trans people are “groomers” and “molesters.” You won’t hear a peep out of them about the steady stream of fundamentalist and Catholic pastors and priests (and Republican politicians) arrested for grooming and molesting: this is about creating fear and then redirecting that fear against people who are the least likely to be able to fight back. While Republican politicians will blithely tell you there’s “nothing that can be done” about high-velocity bullets from assault weapons tearing our schoolchildren’s bodies into mangled and sometimes unidentifiable masses of bloody meat, they’ll go to the mat for fetuses. Why? Because defending innocence and purity is the other face of attacking sinfulness and danger. As Pastor Dave Barnhart wrote on his Facebook page back in 2018: The GOP’s relentless focus on criminalizing abortion is part and parcel of their larger efforts to infantilize Republican voters. To protect them from scary Black men, uppity women, terrified asylum seekers, poor people, union “bosses,” and “Marxist” progressives who want to give them free healthcare and college. Once white voters are reduced to that child-like state, with every fear assuaged by performative anti-trans, anti-gay, anti-Black history, anti-drag, and anti-abortion laws, it’s an easy step to telling them, as Trump did repeatedly: This strategy, employed by dictators and autocrats, is as ancient as history. Caligula did it, as did Nero. Mussolini, Hitler, Putin, and Orbán achieved and exercised power using fear. And now the GOP has adopted fear as their first and foremost electoral strategy, knowing it’s so powerful that both optimism and fact-checking almost always fail against it. Ironically, in their overreach, Republican policies are now inspiring so much reactive fear in Democratic voters — particularly among women, students, the queer community, and people of color — that it may end up propelling millions of new progressive voters to the polls. Turnabout, apparently, is fair play. Thank you for reading The Hartmann Report. This post is public so feel free to share it. Share Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 @RepMTG Vengeance is mine declares the Lord. God will not let evil go unpunished. The @HouseGOP must do what is right for the American people and no longer serve the Uniparty and the Globalist agenda. America First! 🇺🇸 3:56 PM ∙ Jan 16, 2023 Isn't this writer the pot calling the kettle black? What a load of screwed up hooey that twists the facts about God. God does indeed give vengeance in some cases, and discipline where it is will bring back rewards. Bad luck has nothing at all to do with God, it's simply sticking out your tongue at common sense and letting yourself fly into the storm, any storm will do. God warns about the road ahead, but you are the one who drives full speed ahead, right off of the cliff. This report was written for the sake of drama and stirring up turmoil, nothing more.
  4. Like it or not, they're part of the system. However, it seems like the value system they are following isn't favorable to individuals.
  5. Excellent public accounting for the bidding process
  6. I am referring to the shooter. She was in immense emotional pain for some reason and resorted to anger and destruction to end it. Unfortunately, she ended it for innocents also. I can feel empathy for her also, but if she were convicted in a court of cold-blooded murder, which this was, I could also support the death penalty, which is basically what she got.
  7. With humanity, the weakest link is the most important in the strength of the whole.
  8. How about signage that reflects "Northern Cambria, Old Town Spangler District" Northern Cambria Old Town Barnesboro District." Northern Cambria took away nothing from the original entities and Northern Cambria will still get the mail to them. Every town needs something like boroughs, districts, zones, something! In DuBois it was Wards. You knew the basic vicinity of things, they each had a sense of community and neighbors, yet they all functioned together amicably as a town. In Sandy and on the business outskirts, it was usually a locality such as Sabula, West Sandy, the Mall area, East Side, Coke Hill, Bundy Settlement, etc.
  9. Time will dig up a lot of answers. Now that the door has been opened, don't make us look like a bunch of dumb hicks. Keep your eyes and minds open to better ideas, and where we need to make sure it doesn't happen again. That includes all of the major changes that have happened here in the last 20-30 years. When did this problem really start? It's time to find out.
  10. The OLD ways never happen except where there are no assets to grow on. DuBois/Sandy have tons of assets and have never stagnated. There is plenty of young blood. May I remind you that Herm was once the "young blood". Proven personalities and the ability to make fair changes as needed is what counts. As long as a change is fairly thought out and reflects the needs of the weakest citizen up to the entrepreneur who needs to grow, it's all important, but the needs of the weakest must obviously be considered carefully. They were probably very productive in their strongest years and deserve respect, not trampling. Not doing so is death to amenable change. Hmmm, good neutral descriptive name, and both entities could still be noted geographically as needed for finding things. It would help with proper zoning as well. I know when we go there, it's impossible to find things because there is no obvious business center to go from.
  11. The funeral director can put together a basic obituary from the details of a person's family. However, for someone to really understand the person who passed away, it takes thought ahead of time. The long detailed ones are indicative of the personality of a person who was driven to achieve well beyond the norm, and sometimes they use a professional writer ahead of time. A comfortable community person will list their achievements and groups they supported. This is probably written ahead of time by the person and a family member. It's a good idea to just do an outline of what you want in your obituary and leave it with whomever is going to be your executor so they have it when it is needed. You can make additions and corrections that way too till you feel comfortable with it.
  12. Your attitude is part of the problem, you can't consider a better community in spirit, just the old one because you don't like change, even for the betterment of the spirit of the whole.
  13. I am referring to the shooter. She was in immense emotional pain for some reason and resorted to anger and destruction to end it. Unfortunately, she ended it for innocents also. I can feel empathy for her also, but if she were convicted in a court of cold-blooded murder, which this was, I could also support the death penalty, which is basically what she got.
  14. The name DuBois means nothing. We are handled by a zip code. Without it, your mail doesn't even get delivered. So, change the name for the benefit of everyone, some to learn from, and others to be less stressed by, and start fresh with an entirely new outlook. I knew Mr DuBois and spoke to him quite a bit well before he passed away. He was almost totally defeated by "DuBois" and disrespected by the government despite the fact that his forefathers built the town. I don't even think he would be displeased if a change in name was a factor in creating a better future for this area.
  15. I can imagine so much more evil in the world that we haven't even seen yet. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Keep ignoring the one thing that can fix it all, and it will also come to pass.
  16. Trust some news source to use this poor girl's death as a political move! She was hurting too, and spread it among so many others. Many times the victim was also a victim living in a poorly run society from which there was little guidance and no effective help..
  17. That is exactly what happened here, and now we know why. Let the littler company get a chance to excel also.
  18. I absolutely love to read well written obituaries about people who have lived good productive lives in our area. It makes you feel like there was another friend in the area that you just didn't get a chance to meet, and makes you wonder how many more there could be waiting to be found!
  19. And so much trash was being talked about Sandy Township. Looks like they have had their house in order all this time. Now, to start to repair the past damage from many years, and look to equalize the balance the power status on both sides of the scales. THEN we can get back to where we were before the Consolidation vote was done and some began smacking their lips in anticipation of more power and goodies!
  20. I'm deadly serious about needing a teacher to get this mess straightened out. I have to go through 5-6 different programs to find what I need every day. HELP!!
  21. Yes! Amen! everything has to happen in the proper order, not the order we would choose, but just like dominoes and pick up sticks, in order to not create a crash, you have to carefully proceed. Trump is working constantly to set the stage for recovery, so he has ten times the job to do that he had to do when he first took office. No other president has faced such insane opposition. Yet, he manages to succeed! Amen.
  22. OK, do you teach classes in how to deal with the confused/now hidden stuff? Your statement alone is a confusing headache.
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