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Everything posted by steelnut

  1. I love it, thanks for sharing! It made me think of warmer weather on this cold winter's night
  2. I always put 1 Tbs of brown sugar and a pint of home canned tomatoes in mine. It's not sweet at all. We have it with pork and knockwurst and mashed potatoes. Some PA folks believe you have to eat in on New Years Eve for good luck, my family always had to have it on New Years Day. Down south they believe in eating black eyed peas on New Years for good luck.
  3. I have flower beds and they desperately need to be thinned out. When should it be done, in the fall or spring or now? TY!
  4. Mine is doing better that I expected with all of the rain. The peppers are under sized, but I'm getting peppers. Tomatoes are doing fine, but so far the only ripe ones are the cherry tomatoes. Peas are almost done, but I got a lot. The beetles really took a toll on my green and wax beans, but I'm getting some. I don't know if I'll get any zucchini, the plant is pitiful looking. I've got some yellow summer squash, I really hope my zucchini pulls through. Oh and the beetles put a hurting on my eggplant too. I tried edamame this year, and so far, so good. Onions and beets are very plentiful.
  5. I tried the bags and we put them quite a ways away from the garden, they only seemed to call in more beetles They're seriously driving me crazy, I can't stand any crunchy beetle.
  6. Does anyone know of a home remedy to get rid of them? Each year they get worse, they're eating my peas, green beans, wax beans and eggplant!!! Thanks
  7. I can't even find words, this is so sad. Prayers fro her family and especially her beloved children.
  8. Thanks Lavender, and ugly doesn't even begin to describe them, so creepy!
  9. Well, I guess you're right....
  10. We've had a garden for years and growing up we always had a garden. I love it, but last week I saw the most ugly, disgusting thing that really creeped me out, a tomato hornworm! We've found four so far. We try and check every day, but when it rains a lot it's hard to get in there. Has anyone else had these things? If so, did you just pick them off or did you use something to get rid of them. I really hate using any kind of chemicals, but these things give me the willies big time. Poor hubby has to pick them off. And I learned that if you look around the bottom of the plant, you can see little black dots - the poop, yuck! They've done some damage to two tomato plants so far. Any advice is appreciated, Thanks!
  11. Thank you so much! A family member needs about 12, not particular about type, just not pines. If any of you want to send me a message on price, I'll relay the info. Have a nice holiday! Again, thank you!
  12. Does anyone know where to find saplings, say 24" and higher? Thanks so much!
  13. I love Celebrity too, we have lots of tomatoes, but a little on the small side this year. Cukes, that's anther story, not doing well at all. I'm blaming the June 27th wash out. Back to tomatoes, the red and orange cherry ones are doing great. Beets are also great. The beetles put a hurting on peas, sugar snaps, green and wax bean, I'm still cussing them!
  14. We trim our two lilacs down each year, they're the light purple and they do great. I want a cutting from a dark purple one, so beautiful!
  15. Until I looked on-line, I had never heard of rooting hormone, is it available locally? TY so much for the advice!
  16. I've looked on-line and have some ideas, but I'm wondering if any of the local gardeners have done this and if so, what method did you use? TY so much!
  17. Some of our hostas got it too as in years past. We take of the damaged parts, very slimy...but they come right back. My lilies have never been affected by frost for some reason?
  18. We didn't get up early enough on Monday to spray, but hubby did on Tuesday morning. Our fruit trees are too far away from the house for the hose to reach, but he has a huge spray thing that he filled with water over and over again and sprayed them down. We'll see how it goes, here's hoping! In years past we sprayed down veggies in the garden early in the morning to save them and it always worked.
  19. I just knew that I posted too darned soon. Heavy frost this week did a lot of damage, so sad. We've only gotten peaches five times over 20 years, and this years blossoms were unbelievable. I think we'll still get some pears, but not as many as we would have without the heavy frost. Bummer
  20. Spring is my favorite time of year, I love watching everything come to life!
  21. Finally after a six month winter, my flower beds are alive and beautiful, thank you God! I was feeling like it would never happen, but everything is finally coming alive, the fruit trees are so full of blossoms, it just makes me so happy!
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