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Posts posted by steelnut

  1. I'm just checking in to see how everyone's gardens are doing? All is well here, especially what's planted in the raised beds. I have another 1/2 bushel of beets to get done and tons of hot peppers.

    I still do not have a ripe tomato??? Everyone I know has them but us. Only ripe cherry tomatoes. No San Martzano's or Celebrity's. :( The plants are loaded with tomatoes, but they just aren't getting ripe.

    Oh well, all in due time I guess. But, we really need some rain.  

  2. 9 minutes ago, fedup said:

    Butttttt you keep voting for the TPD  expecting the change you desire.

      What you desire AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN if you keep voting for the very thing that goes against the life you want.

     If you remember the old threads about fracking fedup was there telling you all that the government you believed was not protecting you. It was, and still is, protecting it's self.

    Please explain how not voting at all will change anything? I despise the two party system probably more that you do. But, I also understand that if we want anything to change and if we all sit by and not vote, how do you think things will actually change? I'm serious, it would be the same old, same old. And that goes on too much as it is. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, fedup said:

      Here is the GAME people.

     Your taxes are paying for OSHA. They are supposed to keep this from happening.

      It happened under their watch. At your expense.

     If your government agency would have come down hard, they would set a precedent that they would have to follow from now on.

      Pay attention Steel to my next words.

     The R side of the TPD controls big business. They will protect their voting base. They know who pays for their side of the joke that runs this country.


     Fact coming up----- hang on---

     This deal has been turned over to the lawers (sorry legal), there will be a monetary judgement handed out in silence. No precedent to be seen by the public. No rules to be followed in the future.

     Bunches of money will be made before to next death.

     The voting public has no idea about these games. They vote for more government rules thinking they are solving possible problems


    I absolutely agree with you. 

    As to the last sentence, I am part of the voting public and I know about the games. I have told you numerous times that I am a voter who despises both parties, but I am an informed voter. I know, I know all citizens have a right to vote. But, I've felt sooo many times over the years that voters should have to take a common sense test in order to vote. I know I'm going to get crapped on for that statement.... so let it begin....

  4. I so agree with those that the 12k fine was ridiculous. They knew about the problems! Listening to the guys on their cell phones, that was sooo terrible to hear. They were afraid, they knew that it was wrong and so dangerous Yet, the company did nothing. One man lost his life and how many other employees lives were in danger. It's so disgusting. I'm just so fed up with everything at this point, I just want to get out of here.

  5. 22 hours ago, Gator11 said:

    I am also a chevy man. If it is any consolation his 2014 probably can be sold for not much less than what he paid for it back then from the prices I have seen in the used car lots.

    I know, I see the prices of the used ones and it's just crazy!

  6. 1 hour ago, Gator11 said:

    yep used truck prices are holding their value as well. I bet if gasoline went up another $1 prices would fall rapidly as no one would be buying except people who needed them for work etc.

    I may break down and get a new 3/4 ton. I really like my truck but it is only a half ton and I need something just a bit bigger to haul with.

    I have looked at and gotten prices of used ones and they are 30 to 35k and they are three years old. I may as well buy a new one and get a good warranty and keep it till I die


    Hubby is a die hard Silverado guy and they just have to be a 2500 series. When he traded in the last one in 2014 for a new one, I told him that it had,to be the last one. The prices are absolutely crazy! And he, like our son (a Dodge Ram fan) baby their trucks. And to me, I grew up on a farm and trucks were for work, but oh no, not now. They recently tarred and chipped our road. The day they did it, hubby had to run into town. Did he take his truck???? No, he took my CRV! :(

  7. 12 hours ago, Gator11 said:

    hehe I neither have the time or ambition for this. I am seriously considering raised beds. I may make some forms and just make them out of concrete but like most of my other ideas they just gather dust in the back of my head :nobrainzombis:

    Last spring Hubby built two raised beds for the garden. they're 4 x 10. I have to say that the raised beds do better than just planting in the ground. He thought about making more this spring, but I talked him out of it :( Maybe next year. I keep saying that we have to cut back! Everything seems to come in at the same time and it's hard to get everything done every day along with all of the regular ordinary things that have to be attended to. I have two bushels of picked peppers that need tended to and I don't know how I'm going to find the time, but I'm going to get them done! :)

    Oh and back to my green and wax beans that I've planted three times. I've felt from the beginning that it's rabbits. SO I've sprayed and sprayed the stinky  Liquid Fence around the perimeter of the garden religiously and also around the beans. And we have an electric fence. I also made up rabbit sprays and used them. I sprinkled crushed egg shells around them. I was in that garden most of the day yesterday and the beans looked good for being the third round. I go up this morning and once again, most of them were eaten!!! ONLY the beans! The sweet peas and lettuce are in the next row and not touched, nothing but the beans. I'm done, let them eat them and enjoy them as long as they let the rest alone.

  8. I forgot about cucumbers, they are coming like crazy. I purposely planted them late. And I planted some and waited 4 weeks to plant the rest of them because every year by the time the tomatoes are ready the cucumbers are done. It didn't work. I have no ripe tomatoes except for a few cherry ones. :( Oh well, you can't always have what you want. 

    I also planted bok choy this year and it grew so fast. It's been done for a while now. So I planted more beets where they were.

  9. 24 minutes ago, Pompeii said:

    I think, The only problem is when you are using the "Latest Topics or Posts" widget on the front page.

    If you use the Unread Content on top(it should be okay.) if you click on circle or star icon from any Topic or post.

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    Thank you for that info!

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