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Everything posted by Petee

  1. I think he has MUCH deeper pockets and many more rich supporters to depend on than his own wealth. They already know this and I suspect their goal is to drain as much money as possible from anywhere they can get it, and stop him from running to boot! Sorry, not gonna work!
  2. Totally correct! God left everything here that we need for good health, but we learn from our parents, and most of them aren't teaching this!
  3. He has done this all along, but nothing good he did was published to the general population of the world, just the twisted lies that were pushed by the cheaters. He will win on his merits IF the people just listen to what he is saying, how he lives and what he has done in the past. Every business and household that has ever borrowed money has worked to get the highest evaluation of their property when borrowing against it. It would be abnormal if they didn't. So why has Trump been picked out to suffer under lies when for anyone else, it is normal business? Just think of how much money someone will be collecting from an innocent man, which they will stuff into someone else's pockets. He has not cheated anyone that he has done business with. If he did, wouldn't they all be yelling for blood money? Where are they? They don't exist.
  4. It smells like yet another way they can persecute him and destroy his chance to return and finish the job he was so successful at the first time around. I'm truly surprised that they haven't resorted to killing him.
  5. Petee

    Penn State

    I would like to know what responsibilities (including financial) that require that amount. What are they expecting of her?
  6. The United Way has absolutely nothing to do with the City of DuBois other than to have been unfortunate enough to have had Herm as a board member at one time or the other. He was permitted far too much leniency on how the money was fanagled around. I doubt that will ever happen again. It has proven true that while business used to be conducted and honorably carried out on a handshake and a local person's honor, it is no longer so. No one seems to care whether they are accused or found guilty anymore. NO SHAME! They just smack their lips and go hunting for more prey. I do not believe that serving your time or fulfilling court ordered recompense is payment enough. Like God, it takes a submitted heart to get forgiveness.
  7. She's always on the ball!
  8. Gee, thinks so much of herself! Has anyone told her that she is just one member of Congress? Someone should.
  9. I pray for the safety of all involved, even the immigrants because they were led into this and now they will be in the thick of everything. Biden can sit in the middle of his guilt and hopefully not get anyone killed.
  10. Petee


    Heaven forbid that they save it for a rainy day or add some new curriculum to the what the school offers now.
  11. Petee


    I would also want to know if it is a "need or a want".
  12. If our justice system operated equitably then he would ger fair treatment, but it's like a school teacher who refuses to discipline the Bully and even encourages him. He shouldn't have to spend so much of his time and effort simply trying to get time to get the job done. He deserves our country's respect simply for how he fights to win and accomplish.
  13. They may be a good answer to congested areas such as Los Angeles, New York, etc, but for long distances away from home, they're always going to be a risk.
  14. Nothing would happen if they just left it alone. They're his words. Editing it out makes them idiots and bigots.
  15. Two of his business partners and two FBI agents have already testified to the authenticity of Hunter Biden's laptop.
  16. Of my goodness, her expressions just make me howl!
  17. I noticed that new displays are out for this candy bar, and although it isn't Halloween, the display shows both the pumpkin without a face and also without. Some people prefer no face because they don't celebrate Halloween!
  18. Cancer is from inflammation of any sort in your body. Breathing junk causes lung inflammation. Eating damaged food causes stomach and intestinal inflammation. Irritating your skin (too much sun included) causes skin cancer. Specific worms in your body could be causing inflammation to the extent that cells in that area become cancerous. Cancer is about repeated injury to an area. I have vocal cord cancer from irritants in the air and how I speak, loudly and long when I give presentations. How you deal with it is the cure. Remove the irritant, sooth your body with healing foods, get to a doctor but avoid treatments like radiation or chemotherapy if any other treatment is possible. They can actually cause other cancers. I opted for surgery because then the cancer has been completely removed from my body. Otherwise, dead or loose cancer cells can initiate cancer again. Apparently the irritation in my vocal cords is still happening because the lesion (not cancer) grows back occasionally and I have to go for surgery again. No big deal!! God intends for my body to heal as long as I keep doors open to healing. If the lesion goes, then so does the chance for cancer cells to grow there also. If you're afraid of worm cancer.......sorry about that....just do the healing drink in a previous message and see your doctor.
  19. Apparently a very small number of parasites can cause cancer but it's rare. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6695093/#:~:text=At present%2C three multicellular parasites,to human cancer [2].
  20. We have 6-8 inches on our deck but the rain is dropping the level. Now to deal with ice at night!! There are still a couple of hazards on the DuBois Rockton Road with water running across the road at the end on David Reed Road from melt and run off water getting onto the highway then freezing. It has been there for many years with accidents happening at times from the ice on the curve. One time the car ended up in the house by the road. The current owners of Pfingstlers Field House will hopefully fix it properly since the state can't seem to be able to do it right.
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