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Everything posted by Constitutionalist

  1. I had a spring go in my magazine. I’ve called everywhere looking for a new mag. They stopped making the 7600 3 years ago and no one carry’s them anymore. eBay is the only place I’ve found mags at and they are all over $100 a piece now
  2. Does any hunter here use a remington 30.06 model 76, 760, 7600 742 or a model using a magazine? I have a question
  3. Would like this info also. Haven’t been seeing signs this year
  4. here is a little more detailed article than the one posted above https://gantnews.com/2023/11/16/dubois-city-manager-and-employee-charged-with-stealing-hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars-in-city-funds/
  5. He may have been able to wiggle out of the state charges.. I’m not sure he is going to be able to escape the feds. Will def be interested to see this all play out.
  6. It’s easy to go there.. the vaccines were a test. To see who complies and will listen to what they are are told no matter what. there was plenty of facts and reasons NOT to get the vaccine. But how many people did it because our government told them too? I agree with what you say about masks. 100%.
  7. Vaccines, that’s how they control everyone
  8. And that’s how they control us. Getting the snowflake liberals who can’t think for themselves to think everything is true and make the ones who are smart enough to think for themselves look like the crazy ones. I try not to even watch the news anymore because none of it is factual anymore
  9. Watch person of interest. There is an episode showing AI manipulating voting. Incase people didn’t know this… our government tells the TV/Movie producers stuff that’s going to happen. So many shows out there that you can go back and relate to real world events.
  10. Dont disagree one bit. Those areas can and do carry elections… but I still feel it’s mail ins that are fraudulent. Mail in ballots shouldn’t be allowed unless you are physically unable to get to the polls. No reason that anyone should have access to do a mail in
  11. republican candidates can win seats in these different local elections… but lose in landslides for statewide officials… give me a valid explanation why this happens.
  12. Anyone pay attention to the election return numbers? Mail in voting has to stop. It’s blatant what’s happening. You can see it in the numbers. You really believe there is this big of a difference between republicans and democrats with mail in ballots? they got away with cheating in 2020 and now it’s just going to be the normal. No one will stop it.
  13. Why should we work with those attacked? What have they done for us? Why can’t we just focus on what’s happening in our country instead of worrying about everyone else’s problems? Oh wait I know the answer to that. Because there’s money to be made with wars. Who cares about you and I. It’s all about lining their own pockets and making back door deals with these other countries. That’s how all these politicians become filthy rich while in office. Petee why are you so concerned with everyone else’s problems in this world but ignore our own? why do all these politicians that swear an oath to our country and constitution and that swear to put country first always put our country last? The answer is posted above. It’s all about the money and control. It’s definitely not country first for our “elected”..
  14. Former city council member who resigned month or so ago. reasinger temporarily filling her seat
  15. So today city council members and the mayor received visits from multiple agencies… PSP, AG office and FBI… where’s the popcorn!?
  16. Million dollar cry babies playing a scripted sport. I quit watching a few years ago. Too many players have came out saying it’s all rigged. And you can almost call it also.
  17. You do know football is a soap opera right? Lol
  18. All this money spent on other country’s could have done so much good for our own country. But you all know the truth.. there’s money to make with wars.. not for you or me.. but the we people we supposedly elect.. you can’t take care of others when you can’t take care of yourself..
  19. Whatever people think or believe in either side of this issue. It’s not our issue . We should be more worried about what’s going on here. We have our own battles on our homeland to deal with. Like for instance the 100s of illegals that are being housed in our local area. Don’t hear anyone talking about that. I wish people would put as much time and energy into worrying about what’s going on in America than worrying about other countries.
  20. I fully support his removal. You’re absolutely right about him being a swamp rat. He should have never allowed another spending package to go through. We’re spending way too much money. Government theory is just print more money. And that’s why our dollar is worthless at this point. Your post is spot on
  21. Not sure if you’ve noticed lately.. the American voter doesn’t have a say in elections anymore
  22. Lots of new Indian owned establishments opening all of a sudden.. why won’t they open a resturaunt… good Indian food would be a nice change here! I want some chicken tikka!
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