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Posts posted by Bon

  1. Phased ban of invasive Japanese Barberry plant in PA

    Berberis thunbergii shoot with fruit, photo credit Wikipedia user MPF, Oct. 9, 2004
    Posted on 

    Harrisburg, PA – The PA Department of Agriculture added Japanese Barberry, or Berberis thunbergii, to a list of noxious weeds — plants that cannot be legally sold or cultivated in the state.

    The popular, non-native, ornamental shrub forms dense, prickly thickets that crowd out plants and disrupt native ecosystems. It is also thought to harbor black-legged ticks that spread lyme disease. The ban on sale and cultivation took effect October 8, 2021.

    Enforcement of the ban will be phased in over two years to allow time for nurseries to eliminate it from their stock, find non-harmful alternatives, and develop seedless, sterile varieties that pose less threat to the environment and agriculture. Landscape and nursery businesses will receive notices of the timeline, procedures and exemption process for sterile varieties. Property owners should consider eliminating the shrubs on their land.

    “Many seemingly attractive plants can actually harm our environment, our food supply and our health,” said Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding. “Pennsylvania does not take banning the sale of a plant lightly. Prevention is the best alternative — choosing native plants that harbor pollinators and allow a healthy, natural ecosystem. Carefully considering the potential impact of what we plant can prevent lasting damage that is difficult, expensive or impossible to reverse.”


    Japanese barberry was originally brought to the U.S. from Japan and eastern Asia in the 1800s to be planted as an ornamental.  It is widely used as a landscape shrub because of its fall coloring and resistance to deer. It has garnered attention in the past several years as a prolific invader that can easily spread into woodlands, pastures, fields and natural areas.

    The timeline for the two-year rollout of the ban is as follows:

    • November 2021 – Nursery and landscape businesses will receive notice from the department, advising them to immediately begin adjusting propagation, ordering and planting of Japanese barberry to decrease inventory.
    • Fall 2022 – The department will issue letters of warning to any plant merchant still selling Japanese barberry, providing a date in Fall 2023 after which remaining inventory will be subject to a destruction order.
    • Fall 2023 – The department will issue Stop Sale and destruction orders to plant merchants selling or distributing Japanese barberry.

    Merchants with questions should contact ra-plant@pa.gov.

    Effective October 8, 2021, the department added two other plants to the noxious weed list: garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata, and Japanese stiltgrass, Microstegium vimineum. These plants are generally not sold in nurseries but are invasive and common in Pennsylvania. Landowners with these plants on their property are encouraged to remove them.

  2. She has started PT & OT in DuBois, plus Brandi will be learning American Sign Language. Faith will be having surgery to have a feeding tube placed in her abdomen within the next month. With her sensory issues, she isn’t consuming enough calories by eating or drinking.

    Maybe I just might have something to share on Friday.....not positive!! 😁😉❤️

  3. We had FB Christmas Eve with them. It was great till Brandi discovered her basement was flooded. Her & Deryk were up every 2 hours doing something with the sump pump. Christmas morning they had at least 6” of water & spent the day getting stuff off the floor, if they could. My brother came down to help with the furnace. Saturday Deryk went to Lowe’s & got a good sump pump.  Sunday was Christmas with Deryk’s family. Monday they got a dumpster & are throwing away anything that got wet. Brandi’s House insurance told her with Faith’s condition, cancer, anything wet must go. I went to watch Faith this afternoon so Brandi could clean more. They both got the floors done tonight. Now waiting on appliance est. 

  4. Spoke to soon. Faith ended up in CHP’s ER today because she became dehydrated, but it was caught early. She is spending the night getting fluids, & looks so much better already!!

    We are taking care of our granddogger Midgy. Midget knows when she comes here, something is wrong with her sister Faith & she needs prayers. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  5. Faith just had her last weekly chemo on Friday the 13th!! She now goes every 3 weeks till she is done with chemo, which happens to be her 2nd birthday, Jan 15. The chemo from Friday till the end is the hard stuff. Even with giving her the extra fluids, she still has some problems, but not nearly as bad as the week she spent in CHP.
    She is still cutting teeth like crazy!! Taking forever to come in & then she will have 1 or 2 more start. Hopefully soon she will have them all in, she drools constantly!! Lol.

    Thank you both for asking about “your” Faith!! ❤️❤️❤️

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