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  1. des

    4 day work week

    Article is on news break senator roni green is proposing this. I can’t get it to load sorry
  2. There is a push for a 4 day work week they say it’s more productive OK . When you are only getting paid for 32 hours how are you to pay your bills. People working 40 or more now say they can’t pay them now . They say it is also better for the family. That would be a good thing . It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. They can’t even do something simple like do away with not changing the clocks twice a year. Stupid! Maybe we should start closing stores on Sunday and go to grandmas for dinner like we used to do every Sunday!
  3. 7 new charges why would you buy him out let alone give him a bonus.if most of the residents said no we don’t think so why would they they were put there by the residents. Why isn’t there a push to get all to resign.
  4. Here’s a new thought. Ask ms cherry why the work has stopped at the pain clinic her husband was putting by sav a lot . All work stopped around when this all started.
  5. Wow he stands to get almost one million dollars in a buyout if it’s approved. And everyone is quiet. Can’t believe it.
  6. Was there around 10 blinker Sheetz was nuts
  7. Yes he probably is serious. Insurance costs a person a thousand dollars a month or more. That’s a pretty good perk.
  8. It was probably put there to make people go through the light. To much of a problem with people pulling out of two places within 50 yards. But it was a waste of money put grass down. I believe when schools or towns spend taxpayer money it should be voted on at meetings. Only thing s that are emergency should be taken care of without asking. This is why it taxes are higher. There is no accounting for what money gets spent on. Schools or government!!!
  9. des

    Mower repair

    Golf course by tannery
  10. des

    Mower repair

    Guy by save a lot on Brady st Donahue behind church by golf course
  11. It all depends on what you want to spend window world is probably going to be best price. Ours Anderson was going to be 15000 window world is around 4400 5 windows
  12. I find it hard to believe that towns people are not going to meeting s and screaming for heads to roll.I was raised in the city and if I lived there I would be there every single day. It might not be that easy but they would be afraid. For a town that size paying someone that much money is ridiculous. And to continue to be paying for staying home is ridiculous.
  13. News just said 20 something female tattoo on back
  14. Try ace hardware or one of the older hardware stores. Used to be able to find hard to find stuff at kholepps . The oldest one I know of is webers in sykesville.
  15. Maybe I missed something.how is the city going to justify paying the bill with taxpayers money. If it was me I’d be in jail. Is it written in his contract.
  16. There’s a shop behind church by tannery
  17. des

    May 1st

    Cold day out for outdoor scratching season to start today
  18. Good post. This is why we need newer younger people to stand up instead of leaving the area. I don’t live in the city but was born and raised there. They need new ideas. I worked with a lot of younger folks that had good ideas and strong opinions.For your future stand up.
  19. This is why two companies went out of business a few years back. This company has money to throw around. If they were still in business bills would probably be half of what they are.
  20. It seems to me no one wanted to take action . We need to have young blood to step up with new ideas. This needs to be done all across the country. Life just gets in the way for people. Some need to work two jobs just to survive. It’s really sad the way things are. The old ways are not going to work.
  21. Look on eBay i think there’s one just like it 53.00
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