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Posts posted by old3dogg

  1. Marine4 from here knows the story much better than I do, but there is a story of two children that went missing (traveling back home) and (one or both) found passed away in the area.  What was creepy was the youngest was about my son's age (3-4) and while I was walking the lower tunnel, I felt "him" holding onto my boot as I walked along. There was also a collapse in the top tunnel killing I think about 12 workers (you can see where the brick changes).


    The mob was also big in the area back in the day, and there are stories that this is one of the locations for kills (the coke ovens are another....belt buckles, keys, etc found in some ovens help to confirm that)

    Urban legend. But it does make for a good campfire story.


    My recent favorite was the poor guy they found hanging under the interstate bridge near here a few years ago. Mob snitch, drug deal gone bad, saw something he shouldn't have, etc....... 

    Turns out he was a postman from upstate New York. Never did hear why he was hung under the bridge. I suppose by the time they figured it out the local press had moved on to more important issues.


    Or maybe we were just not meant to know. To add fuel to the fire, someone spray painted "so long snake" on the side of the bridge a week after the body was found.


    As kids we were told a troll like creature lived in the Shawville tunnel. Found out that is was a story made up to keep us kids away from it.


    I like urban legends though. Cool stuff.

  2. I've driven by there lots of times but never got out to investigate. I want to also get up that way to see the darkest park east of the Mississippi.

    The old paper mill below the dam looks cool as well. I'm up that way once a month on my way to and from Coudersport. I may have to take a "extended" lunch break when the weather gets nice. :D

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