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Posts posted by WMJ77

  1. ok....I thought it was to stop consolidation.....Im all for waiting for the legal crap to be done, you would be crazy not too, since who knows what's involved....ok, carry on....I took it the wrong way

    the city and sandy need to look at this as a marriage, each brings things to the table, and we are their children that they need to help reach our goals not fight each other like the past 40 years, it's not working.

    ps....petee, you should see the dirt down here...its orange......lol, but things seem to grow in it....lots of rocks too

  2. :duh:DuBois, Sandy and tlake will never reach its true potential ..... Im in Tn now so my say doesnt mean squat, but seeing some  areas around here working together like all of you COULD do but wont breaks my heart....sure wait till all the herm crap is done but to    "stop any further opportunities for them to get in the backdoor for possibly years to come."  ....really? that is why people get out of school and leave...no jobs , no new companies coming in wether its over water, or land or gates....but hey, I moved so .....:popcorn::yes:

    and you know I :luv: petee not personal  :cheers:

  3. DAUW didnt even know there were money lockboxs HIDDEN in their building.....who besides the big guy knew they were there?...did Toni go in and find them and empty/taken them out or did she have help from someone in the building....they dont even know when the money was removed....that could be her money trying to balance the books......seems like a whole lot of money at a place that says it doesnt deal much in cash:popcorn:

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